Opportune News is your opportunity to catch up on the most important news of the day. Learn about the latest policies in Congress and legislation making its way through the Supreme Court. Understand breaking news, upcoming elections, and urgent issues that affect conservative values and traditional families working hard to do their best in a world of liberal spending and nontraditional influence.

The Conservative Times provides Opportune News so you can take action with your voice, your vote, and your faith. Supplemented by Conservative Spotlight, these stories show you the urgent matters when you need to see them — as they develop.

California Expects to Be Abortion Sanctuary Following AZ Ban

(TheConservativeTimes.org) – Arizona has announced that they are looking to fully ban abortion which is supposed to go into effect in the next couple...

Global Police Agencies Remove Massive Scam Website?!

(TheConservativeTimes.org) – A giant fraud website that has been operational, giving hackers the ability to trick people into handing over personal information like passwords...

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Biden’s Voting Executive Order Being Challenged By Supreme Court?!

(TheConservativeTimes.org) – A lawsuit has been announced challenging President Joe Biden’s get-out-the-vote executive order and it’s now moving to the Supreme Court. According to...

The Global Water Crisis Is Causing More Conflict?!

(TheConservativeTimes.org) – The global water scarcity is contributing to instability and causing more conflicts across the globe, according to the United Nations. The recently...

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