(TheConservativeTimes.org) – Joe Biden has just approved a strategy to prepare for a possible coordinated confrontation with Russia, China, and North Korea.
The plan was approved by the president earlier this year and isn’t necessarily a response to any particular threat, according to the White House.
Sean Savett, a spokesperson, said that “the specific text of the guidance is classified, its existence is in no way secret. The guidance issued earlier this year is not a response to any single entity, country, nor threat.”
The New York Times reported that this policy does take into account China’s rapid growth in the nuclear arsenal department as it would rival the size of both the United States and Russia. Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, has also threatened in the past to use nuclear weapons in its war on Ukraine.
The US-based Arms Control Association said that the strategy remained the same as what was presented in the Nuclear Posture Review and that their strategy is focused on Russia, not China.
Daryl Kimball, Executive Director of the Arms Control Association, said that the United States recognizes that China has doubled their warhead production, but Russia still has a huge advantage over them. Kimball said that Russia “remains the major driver behind the US nuclear strategy.”
Biden approved this revised strategy, called the Nuclear Employment Guidance. The administration has a plan to expand the United States arsenal to counter the strategies of Russia and China. The United States has also warned that Russia could be planning to put nuclear weapons into space.
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