Columbia University Has Lock Down After Antisemitic Protests

( – New York City’s Columbia University has students coming back for the fall semester with a lockdown already in place to keep out “non-affiliates” with bad intentions. This is a part of the school’s response to the antisemitic protests from the spring that occurred where police dealt with anti-Israel agitators.

Police have made dozens of arrests at the school’s Hamilton Hall building, and almost half of the suspects that were arrested were non-students. They had smashed windows, blocked windows and doors, and they were wearing face coverings before police took them into custody.

“This change is intended to keep our community safe given reports of potential disruptions at Columbia and on college campuses across the country as we approach the beginning of the new school year,” said Chief Operating Officer Cas Holloway.

“We are particularly concerned about non-affiliates who may not have the best interests of the Columbia community in mind,” he continued.

New rules have been put in place to block anyone without a University ID or a guest who is pre-registered. Authorities have said that these rules will stay in effect indefinitely. There are limited entry ways and exits to eliminate the unauthorized flow of people into the campus.

They will go by color where green rules allow the outdoor campus to be open to everyone with an ID to get into buildings. Yellow rules are when some entrances and exits are locked off. Red rules mean that no guest is able to access the school at all and only students who live on campus or staff can come into the school.

The school stated that they were looking for security enhancement after weeks of protests regarding the Israel-Hamas war.

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