FACT: Dem Candidate Wants Border Open

Wooden blocks displaying FACT and FAKE juxtaposed.

(TheConservativeTimes.org) – Senator Bob Casey’s (D-PA) advocacy for open borders and pro-migration legislation during a Pennsylvania Senate debate has sparked controversy and outrage among conservatives.

During the debate with Republican challenger Dave McCormick, Casey shockingly declared that opening the floodgates to illegal aliens is the solution to the border crisis.

“The worst thing we can do is spend, have politicians spend time demonizing immigrants,” Casey stated. “The beginning of solving this problem is passing this bipartisan bill.”

This so-called “bipartisan bill” Casey supports is nothing more than a thinly veiled amnesty scheme, as McCormick rightly pointed out.

“The border bill that was proposed was an amnesty bill,” McCormick asserted, exposing the true nature of the legislation that would reward lawbreakers and incentivize further illegal immigration.

Moreover, McCormick called out the senator’s blatant hypocrisy, claiming:

“Senator Casey just did a commercial where he was standing in front of the wall, the very wall that he derided and said we didn’t need a wall when President Trump came into office. That’s absolute chutzpah that is a career politician in action.”

“I’m married to an immigrant so I’m definitely pro-legal immigration,” the Republican added. “We are a country of immigrants. We’re also a country of laws.”

While Casey advocates open borders, McCormick supports law and order. The Republican candidate emphasized the importance of legal immigration while proposing decisive action against the cartels that exploit our porous southern border.

The debate also exposed Casey’s allegiance to the Biden-Harris administration’s disastrous policies.

McCormick rightfully criticized Casey’s voting record, which closely aligns with the current administration’s agenda, which has led to skyrocketing inflation, weakened border security, and a decline in America’s standing on the world stage.

Meanwhile, Casey’s misguided stance on immigration is just one aspect of his out-of-touch policies.

The senator’s support for extreme measures like the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would enshrine abortion on demand into federal law, further demonstrates how far he has drifted from Pennsylvania’s values.

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