(TheConservativeTimes.org) – PETA, or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has come across documents regarding a new study using animals and is now pleading to the NIH, or the National Institute of Health.
PETA is claiming that a planned research study is “cruel and horrific” and is pleading with the NIH and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The study, which is supposed to be conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, will be used in research related to cognitive decline and will involve marmosets, which are small monkeys, put on a disrupted sleep schedule.
PETA wrote in an email to FOX News saying, “As the governor of the state with the largest number of older Americans, DeSantis is in a unique position to condemn — before they begin — planned ‘aging’ experiments on tiny marmoset monkeys,”
“Keeping a monkey from sleeping (considered a form of torture in humans that can ultimately result in death) won’t mimic insomnia in people. This proposed experiment is so cruel that it’s classified by the university as what’s called a ‘Column E’ study — meaning it causes distress and pain without any relief,” the resident of PETA wrote.
The email continued, stating the marmosets would be woken up every 15 minutes throughout the night using a “blaring loud noise”. This information came from documents that PETA claimed to have obtained.
The study will take place through the leadership of Agnes Lacruese, a professor at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, and will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison at their Primate Research Center.
PETA sent a second email stating that these experiments were inhumane and cruel. They also said that there was little scientific knowledge or human benefit to even doing these experiments. They’ve asked NIH to consider defunding the experiment and that they should fund other experiments that are more useful instead.
In response, Michelle Ciucci, the faculty director of the Animal Program, has come out to justify the experiment and its importance. In response to the push back she stated, “To better understand and combat human diseases like Alzheimer’s, researchers must turn to animals to mimic complex human biology.”
She explained that the main purpose of the study was to find novelty methods for studying Alzheimer’s. She also said they’re using these particular monkeys because of how similar their brains are to a human brain.
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