(TheConservativeTimes.org) – There are over one hundred thousand people in Illinois who are banned from having a firearm whether it be for mental health or legal trouble, but according to a new report, two-thirds of them still own guns.
Sheriff Tom Dart has pushed through to tackle what he calls “A Firearm Regulation Crisis.” He is currently seeking ten million dollars from state lawmakers to execute his plan. Essentially the goal would be to eliminate the potential of someone exhibiting the same violence that was shown during the massacre at Henry Pratt Co when a gunman who wasn’t allowed to own a gun caused violence.
Dart has said that without regulations the revocations of FOID cards for noncompliant gun owners would be out of law enforcement’s control and would become overwhelming.
Says Dart, “I wish I was making this up. I wish I had someone pull my argument apart and say, ’You’re exaggerating. You’re being dramatic.” He continued, “No. Do the math. At this rate, two years from now, we’re going to have 100,000 revoked FOID card owners, and there will be no contact with them to ensure they’ve had their guns properly dealt with.”
There are over two million FOID card holders in Illinois. These cards are given to those who have been convicted of a felony, dealing with mental health issues, or are deemed a “clear and present danger.” They are then required to turn in their weapons, however, the report stated that over eighty thousand people have yet to return their weapons.
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