Warming Effects of El Nino To Continue Long-Term?!

(TheConservativeTimes.org) – The El Nino event that brought inches of rain across the Southwest is expected to linger as the heat wave brought on by the event is going to stick around for months.

Over many different regions, there are expected to be higher than normal temperatures, which is a direct cause of the El Nino effect. A study published in the Scientific Reports said that there is a 90% chance of record-breaking warm temperatures under a moderate El Nino effect.

Record-breaking temperatures can be seen all over the globe from Bengal to the Philippines, as well as the Caribbean Sea and the South China Sea. Surface temperatures overall are supposed to be about 1.2 degrees Celsius higher and a record-breaking summer is expected.

According to trends from previous El Nino effects such as in 2016 and 1998, high-temperature record-breaking months followed on both occasions. Although the current El Nino pattern is expected to be over soon, the lasting effects of the warmth are expected to last months after it’s over.

These high temperatures could potentially cause extreme climate effects and events like wildfires, tropical cyclones, and extreme heat waves. Experts say that the effects of the heat will be felt mostly in coastal and oceanic areas since the ocean makes for longer effects of climate conditions like heat to last for an extended amount of time.

As of now, the United States has been getting a round of excessive rain that’s brought on record-breaking numbers for many regions. This upcoming heat wave is expected to come in shortly after and continue for months following the El Nino cycle.

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