Boeing CEO Being Investigated Due to Another Whistleblower

( – Dace Calhoun, CEO of Boeing, plans to talk with the Senate about the company’s structure after another whistleblower has come forward, this time stating that the company hid and mishandled bad airplane parts. Calhoun has already said that he would step down by the end of the year following public scrutiny regarding the safety of Boeing airplanes. He was appointed as CEO, ironically enough, after the previous CEO was ousted for how they handled two Boeing plane crashes.

“I’m here to answer questions. I’m here in the spirit of transparency, and I’m here to take responsibility,” Calhoun said before the hearing. Calhoun has written a statement that he will read to the subcommittee during his hearing.

“Much has been said about Boeing’s culture. We’ve heard those concerns loud and clear. Our culture is far from perfect, but we are taking action and making progress,” wrote Calhoun in his testimony.

The subcommittee recently released whistleblower claims from Sam Mohawk, a quality assurance investigator at Boeing. He claimed that the company lost track of damaged parts and stated that those parts “are likely being installed on airplanes.”

Mohawk stated that he was retaliated against due to his allegations and has been told by supervisors to hide evidence of this from the Federal Aviation Administration. Mohawk said that many parts were stored outside and away from the area during the FAA inspection.

A Boeing spokesperson said that the company received the claims and is reviewing them. She stated, “We continuously encourage employees to report all concerns as our priority is to ensure the safety of our airplanes and the flying public.”

The FAA said also that they’ve received an increase in reports from Boeing staff since the door blowout situation. “We thoroughly investigate every report, including allegations uncovered in the Senate’s work,” the FAA said.

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