Most News Consumers Are Worried About AI in Journalism

( – Many news consumers in the United States and the United Kingdom have expressed concern over the possibility of artificial intelligence in journalism.

A survey for both United States and United Kingdom residents has shown that only a little over twenty percent of respondents in the United States and ten percent of those in the United Kingdom would be comfortable with AI-produced news. More than half of the U.S. respondents and over sixty percent of the U.K. respondents said they would be uncomfortable with AI-led news and journalism.

Respondents were least resistant to using AI-generated text, illustrations, and graphics, while they were mostly against the use of AI-created realistic-looking photographs and videos. The institute said in its Digital News Report, “Our findings show audiences are most open to AI uses that are behind the scenes and areas where AI can help improve their experiences using news, providing more personalized and accessible information.”

“They are less comfortable when it comes to public-facing content, sensitive or important topics, and synthetic videos or images that may come across as real, and where the consequences of error are viewed as most consequential,” it continued. “Overall, there is consensus that a human should always be in the loop and complete automation should be off limits.”

The survey comes at an interesting time as artificial intelligence is now being added to many facets of life, and it’s been seen that newsrooms are adopting AI. Currently, many newsrooms have been using artificial intelligence for transcription or research but not to generate the actual content.

One example of how artificial intelligence is being used in newsrooms is with News Corp Australia, which has stated that they have been able to produce over three thousand articles per week using artificial intelligence.

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