Arizona Hits All-Time Unemployment Low Amid Employment Highs in U.S.

( – Arizona, surprisingly, has hit an all-time low when considering unemployment for the state. This statistic is surprising as the United States has had an increase in its unemployment rate.

The state percentage of unemployment went down, while the trends for United States unemployment as a whole have continued to go up. The record low was established after analyzing job trends and changes within the state, in particular, an increase of thirty-seven hundred jobs in healthcare and social assistance.

Following this, there were sixteen hundred job openings for manufacturing, fourteen thousand jobs in “other services,” and twelve hundred in the financial department. The government has lost over five thousand jobs, and “private educational services” and “leisure and hospitality” have lost forty-five hundred jobs.

Governor Katie Hobbs said, “Arizonans have more opportunity than ever before, and our state has record-low unemployment numbers.” She continued, “With these record-setting numbers, it’s clear that Arizona’s economy is strong. I am laser-focused on creating good-paying jobs for Arizonans, building and creating businesses in our state, and ensuring every Arizonan has the opportunity to thrive.”

Arizona’s Office of Economic Opportunity has reported that the adjusted employment outside of farming grew by two percent, which was an addition of over sixty thousand jobs. The main sectors that brought in jobs for the state were “health care and social assistance, trade, transportation and utilities, and the government.”

Despite the fluctuation between sectors and the number of jobs coming in, the unemployment rate stays low in Arizona as the country’s unemployment rate continues to rise.

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