Artificial Intelligence Gains Workplace Foothold

( – Many jobs are expected to rely heavily on artificial intelligence and so states are trying to figure out how workers can amp up their tech skills before they are replaced by AI.

Connecticut is trying to create a Citizens AI Academy, which would be a free online repository of curated classes that users can take to learn basic skills or obtain certificates for employment. State Democratic Senator James Maroney said, “This is a rapidly evolving area. So we need to all learn what are the best sources for staying current. How can we update our skills? Who can be trusted sources?”

Gregory LaBlanc, of the Haas School of Business at Berkeley Law School in California spoke on what people should focus on learning to be real competition for artificial intelligence. LaBlanc said that workers must learn to work with and manage generative AI instead of figuring out how the technology works.

“What we need is to lean into things that complement AI as opposed to learning to be really bad imitators of AI,” said LeBlanc. “When electricity came along, we didn’t tell everybody that they needed to become electrical engineers,” LeBlanc continued.

Just this year, four different states have put up legislation that would attempt to deal with AI in the classroom in some ways. Things from AI Academy to AI regulation bills, and concepts to help regulate the new technology were implemented.

A bill in California would require the state working group to look into incorporating artificial intelligence literacy skills into math, science, history, and social science. The bill’s author, Assembly member Marc Berman, said, “AI has the potential to positively impact the way we live, but only if we know how to use it, and use it responsibly.”

Many have said that it’s important to have skills to understand, evaluate, and effectively interact with AI technologies. Said Maroney, “Most jobs are going to require some form of literacy.” He continued, “I think that if you aren’t learning how to use it, you’ll be at a disadvantage.”

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