(TheConservativeTimes.org) – Arizona has announced that they are looking to fully ban abortion which is supposed to go into effect in the next couple of months. This decision has left the state of California preparing for an influx of pregnant women traveling from Arizona for abortions.
California clinics have been a savior for many people from states that have made it more difficult to get an abortion or that have made confusing changes, leaving residents with uncertainty. The discussion surrounding abortion has been intense since the overturning of Roe v Wade, which legalized abortion back in the seventies.
Arizona is a state that has had a near-total ban for years now, but that law wasn’t legal due to Roe v Wade. Since the overturning of the law, Arizona is planning to enact the abortion ban.
Pratima Gupta, an OB-GYN, spoke out on how the laws regarding abortions were confusing. She said, “There was a lot of confusion both on the part of patients and providers in terms of what they could and could not do to be adhering to the law.”
Gupta said that she treated a patient who drove four hours from Arizona to get an abortion and right after the procedure, the patient asked to go home immediately because she needed to make it back to her child who was being babysat.
She explained that clinics were closing doors based on the recent ruling; doctors were worried about any repercussions and legal action that could be taken if they performed an abortion with the new laws and restrictions passed by the state.
California’s Governor, Gavin Newsom, made sure to sign multiple legislations that would allow the state of California to continue allowing abortions and protect the women who needed them. This has easily made the state an “abortion sanctuary” for many women.
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