Fetterman Hires Santos for Pep Talk

(TheConservativeTimes.org) – According to a report, on Monday, a senator under scrutiny was given a pep talk by expelled Republican Rep. George Santos, whom Democrat senator from John Fetterman (D-PA) had hired.

Fetterman tweeted in response to the bribery allegations against “Ethically challenged” Democratic New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez and his wife, saying they might need some encouragement from a seasoned expert. Democrats in Congress have repeatedly asked Menendez to step down, but he has refused.

After Santos’s expulsion, Fetterman hired him via the celebrity messaging service Cameo. At the time of publication, Santos’ video cost $200.

Fetterman identified the troubled legislator as “Bobby from Jersey” without telling Santos that Sen. Menendez was the receiver. Given his serious legal issues, Fetterman said that he thought his morally troubled colleague Bob Menendez might use some encouragement.

While appearing on “The View” last Friday, Fetterman said that the accusations against Menendez are more severe than those against Santos. In his opinion, the bigger picture is that Menendez has engaged in much more nefarious activities. How can you keep Menendez but remove Santos?

In exchange for bribery, Sen. Menendez and his spouse reportedly divulged confidential U.S. government secrets to the Egyptian government and three New Jersey legislators, according to the indictment. Inside Menendez’s residence, authorities allegedly discovered a safe, a stash of gold bars, and more than $480,000 in cash.

Bergen County prosecutor’s documents from a 2013 robbery case reveal a connection between four gold bars found during the FBI’s raid of Sen. Bob Menendez’s house and a New Jersey businessman who is now facing charges of bribing Sen. Menendez.

According to reports, Senator Menendez has said that the money stashes are a component of his emergency funds and has denied any impropriety involved. The senator, who is the product of Cuban immigrants, described the practice of concealing money around the home as an ages-old Cuban habit that originated as a result of the expropriation of property in Cuba.

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